Online Shopping Security Tips

As more consumers decide to shop from the comfort of their homes, scammers are finding ways to take advantage of online shoppers.

There are three common ways that scammers can take advantage of online shoppers:

  1. Creating fraudulent sites and email messages – The benefit of shopping at a physical store is that you know where you are. In the online shopping world, scammers can try to create fake ecommerce websites or email messages that appear to be legitimate.
  2. Intercepting insecure transactions – If an online store does not use encryption in the checkout process, a scammer may be able to intercept your information as it is transmitted.
  3. Targeting vulnerable computers – If you do not take steps to protect your computer from viruses, a scammer may be able to gain access to your computer.
Tips For Safe Online Shopping
  1. Avoid clicking on links in unsolicited emails and be wary of email attachments.
  2. Only shop at sites that use encryption. Look for https in the website URL or a padlock icon in the address bar.
  3. Keep your computer and applications up-to-date.
  4. Use caution when shopping online and only shop at reputable sites.
  5. Verify a charity’s authenticity before making any donations.