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FRAUD ALERT: Please be aware of a widespread phishing scam currently underway. Reminder – Gorham Savings Bank will NEVER ask you for your personal information, such as your pin, security code or password. Before responding to a text or email, stop and think using the “10 and 2” rule: wait 10 minutes and talk to at least 2 people. If you suspect fraud, please contact Customer Service.

Browse our Security Center for tools and resources to protect your privacy and personal financial information. Find online banking security tips along with information on common scams. If you are ever in doubt, call us directly at (207) 839-4796.

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Online Payments
& Invoicing

Your customers want more convenient ways to pay. Our innovative payment solutions are designed to help you embrace this evolution to get paid faster and easier. Take advantage of these tech-forward options to accept payments electronically.

  • Allow your customers to store bank account information for faster payment
  • Accept payments on-the-go with a mobile app or handheld device
  • Send text and email receipts
  • Setup recurring billing and invoicing
  • Email "Click & Pay" invoices to customers with Autobooks
  • Add payment links to your website and social media pages

Another Reason Why

Maine Businesses Believe in GSB

We’ve been working alongside Maine businesses for more than 150 years. From accepting payments online and on-the-go, to storing customer information for faster checkout, we’re here to help you implement the payment solutions you need to keep your business moving forward.

Team Banking
At GSB, every employee is trained to help every customer find what they need. Every time you come to GSB, you know we're working to give you the best service.
The GSB Difference
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Local Decisions
No one knows what Mainers need better than Mainers. That’s why we keep our decision-making local—and have for more than 150 years.
The GSB Difference


Complete this form and a member of our team will be in touch. Prefer the phone? Give us a call at (207) 221-8460.

GSB Cash Management Team