Be Wary of Unsolicited SBA PPP Loan Communications

Third-party businesses are using information from a court-ordered public release of Small Business Administration (SBA) Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) borrowers to deceptively market themselves.

Their communications may reference Gorham Savings Bank and may even imply that we have an affiliation.

Please be aware that we will communicate directly with you about your PPP loan and the forgiveness process. If you have any doubt, please call your GSB lender directly.

On December 1, 2020, given the significant taxpayer funds utilized by this program, the SBA released public data about PPP borrowers—specifically, the borrowers’ names, addresses, exact loan amounts and who their PPP lenders were. This was done by court order following lawsuits brought by media organizations. GSB did not disclose the data and played no role in the court decision.